Education Articles

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Education Articles


Protect Yourself From Financial Burden

Simply put, Payment Protection helps safeguard your loans. If an unexpected life event leaves you at risk of defaulting on a major loan, Payment Protection could help you and your family when you need it most. If you’re thinking, “That sounds a lot like life insurance,” you’re partially right. But Payment Protection and life insurance are intend...
Planning Your Future Understanding Insurance

10 Financial New Year’s Resolutions

Hard to believe, but the time has come to make—or to start making good on—your annual New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps you’ve already gotten to work on eating healthier, organizing your garage, or learning a new language (congratulazioni!). How about getting your “financial house” in order? If you haven’t developed a definitive plan for the new...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

Buying a Home During Winter

Spring and summer are the most popular seasons for house-hunting. But winter has its upsides. But that shouldn’t stop you from looking for your dream home as the temperatures drop. Though icy driveways and snowed-out open houses can be less than thrilling, there might be some surprising benefits to purchasing a home during the coldest time of...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home

7 Savvy Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

In the late 1960s, Stanford University conducted a now-classic psychology study called the Marshmallow Test. In it, children were offered a choice between eating one marshmallow immediately or two marshmallows if they could wait a few minutes. You can watch kids deal with this agonizing dilemma here . Resisting an immediate reward for a greater...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

P2P Payment Systems: What You Need To Know

Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment systems have dramatically changed the way we handle our money. It’s so easy to send money with just a few taps on your phone. But be sure to keep your money safe by following the tips outlined in this article. First popularized by PayPal, the world of P2P payment systems has exploded. A NerdWallet survey found that...
Forming Money Habits Knowing Your Payment Options

Boost Your Credit Score: 4 Myths Debunked

In the area of personal finance, credit scores can seem a lot more mysterious than they actually are. Many people believe that improving them is a matter of trial and error. As a result, there’s a lot of “credit score advice” floating around that can do more harm than good. Below are four common myths about credit scores and the truth about each...
Mastering Credit

The Ins and Outs of Farm and Ranch Insurance

Farmers and ranchers have unique insurance needs. Their situations call for considerably more protection than, say, a home or vehicle. With that in mind, farm and ranch insurance policies can be tailored to help meet those needs. Think of this type of insurance as a hybrid designed to protect farmers and ranchers personally and commercially....
Understanding Insurance

Stay (Financially) Safe During the Holidays

One of the many negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is a troublesome disruption in the global supply chain. As the world economy slowly recovers, an unfortunate side effect is that consumer demand is rising, further  stressing the supply chain . Despite the supply chain challenges, the holiday shopping season didn't suffer in 2021. In fact...
Protecting Your Information

Have a Plan Before Flooding, Other Disasters Strike

Early fall is a time to annually promote family and community disaster planning. Every autumn, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stresses the importance of preparing for unexpected disasters and emergencies with National Preparedness Month. In 2022, the theme was “ A Lasting Legacy ," the latest reminder for all Americans to stop an...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home

Estimating Your Retirement Income Needs

Retirement may be decades away, but it's never too early to start planning. Where do you begin? Start by estimating how much income you'll need to fund your retirement. That's not as easy as it sounds, because retirement planning is not an exact science. Your specific needs depend on your goals and many other factors. Use your current income as ...
Planning Your Future