PHISHING ALERT: SELCO impersonators are using texts to request login credentials. As a reminder, SELCO will never contact you requesting sensitive information, including login credentials. For your security, always access digital banking from the website or mobile app. Learn more about text phishing here.

2024 tax forms have been mailed and are also available in digital banking by selecting "Documents & Statements" from the menu. Click here to learn more.

All SELCO branches will be closed Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day. Account access will still be available through digital banking.

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Request an Insurance Quote

As an independent insurance agency, SELCO Insurance Services represents the best in local, regional, and national insurance carriers. Our agents work hard to help you understand your options and provide valuable protection against all of life's what-ifs.

SELCO Community Credit Union team member talking on the phone

Connect with one of our specialists

We look forward to answering your questions over the phone, by email, or in person.

Insurance premium quotes received through this online tool are estimates only. Receipt of an online insurance quote does not guarantee a subsequent insurance application will be accepted. Your request for an online quote is NOT an application for insurance.

The online quote tool is specifically designed to be as quick and efficient as possible. As such, default responses are preselected. Please carefully review the default responses and make any necessary corrections. An accurate quote requires that accurate information be provided.
You understand and agree that your information, including credit information, may be confirmed through consumer reports to further ensure accuracy.

Your actual eligibility, premium amounts, and applicable discounts can only be determined once complete information is received and reviewed by one of our Licensed Insurance Specialists. Our Specialists may verify your application information using additional reports from third-party providers. These reports may include your driving record, claims history, and/or credit report.

SELCO Insurance Services does business with multiple insurance companies and can normally offer a variety of coverage choices. However, not all of our insurance companies and products are represented in this online quote tool. Our online quotes are based on the most commonly requested coverage options. Other options may be available or may be in your best interest.

SELCO partners with Acuity Insurance, Foremost Insurance Group, Oregon Mutual Insurance, PEMCO Insurance, Progressive, Safeco, Travelers, Grange, National General, and many more carriers.

Insurance products and services are offered through and underwritten by SELCO Group Inc., dba SELCO Insurance Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of SELCO Community Credit Union. Business conducted with SELCO Group Inc., dba SELCO Insurance Services, is separate and distinct from any business conducted with SELCO Community Credit Union. Products offered through SELCO Group Inc., dba SELCO Insurance Services, are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, and are not guarantees or obligations of SELCO Community Credit Union. Any insurance required as a condition of an extension of credit by SELCO Community Credit Union may be purchased from an agent or insurance company of the member’s choice.