Education Center

10 Steps to Financial Wellness

In this 10-part series, we’ll take you on a journey toward financial wellness, tackling important financial subjects one by one and in detail, giving you the skills to be a financial wellness expert.

3 Ways to Build a Rainy-Day Fund

SELCO's high-yield savings accounts are a great place to start a rainy-day fund, which is designed to cover smaller, unexpected expenses. Here are three easy ways to build this fund.

Young boy looking out

Keep Your Investments on Track While Weathering the Inflation Storm

There are many forces working against us right now. Inflation, gas prices, and stock market woes have made investing a big challenge. But it’s wise to stick to a long-term plan while being frugal in the moment to weather the storm.

Young adult looking at her credit score

What's a Credit Score? And How Can You Improve Yours?

Thinking about applying for a loan? You’ll want to pay close attention to your credit score. But what is a credit score? And why does it matter? In short, your credit score demonstrates to lenders how likely you are to pay back a loan.

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Financial Calculators

Crunch the numbers to see how much you could save by refinancing your car or mortgage, when you'll hit your savings goal, how much home you can afford, and more.

Recent Articles

Account Takeover Fraud Is on the Rise. Avoid Becoming a Victim

Account Takeover Fraud, an online scam in which criminals gain access to a user's login credentials to take control of legitimate accounts, is rampant. Awareness and vigilance will help put a lock on your accounts and sensitive information to help you avoid becoming a victim.

July 24, 2024

Protecting Your Information

6 Ways to Shop Organic on a Budget

Going organic—whether for health, environmental, or taste reasons—doesn’t mean you have to be a big spender. Here are ways to go organic on a budget.

July 10, 2024

Forming Money Habits

SELCO Steps Up with $200,000 Grant to SquareOne Villages

SELCO recently awarded $200,000 to SquareOne Villages to help the nonprofit build Rosa Village Co-op, a community of 52 permanently affordable, net-zero energy-efficient tiny homes in Eugene for people in need of housing.

June 28, 2024

Choosing a Financial Partner
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