Phishing alert: SELCO impersonators are using texts to request login verification codes and credentials. As a reminder, SELCO will never contact you requesting sensitive information, including login credentials. If you receive one of these messages, please delete it immediately.

eStatement Rate Discount

Person using phone to enroll in credit union eStatements

Sign up for eStatements in digital banking*

  1. Download SELCO’s app from the Google Play or Apple Store.
  2. Once in the app, select “Register for Digital Banking” and follow the steps
  3. After you're registered, log back in to digital banking to enroll in eStatements. Here's how to sign up.

You can also register for digital banking and enroll in eStatements on your desktop browser by going through the same steps.

* Continuous enrollment in eStatements and automatic payments is required for indirect auto loans originated at a dealership. To avoid fees, be sure to enroll in eStatements and autopay.

Person on computer registering for automatic payments

Need to enroll in auto payments?

You can set up automatic loan payments from another SELCO account or institution. Here's how.