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Introducing Link Digital Checking: The Rewards Account That Pays You Back

Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

SELCO now has checking accounts for everyone

If you’ve transformed your daily routine through digital technology—like making payments online, using a card for routine purchases, and gravitating toward digital banking transactions—you’ll love our new digitally-optimized checking account. Link Digital Checking is a connected rewards account that pays you back—up to $7 per month!

Young man holding phoneLink comes with everything you love about our member-favorite Select Checking account: no monthly fees or minimum balance requirements, a Visa® debit card, access to 30,000+ free ATMs nationwide, and our full menu of digital banking services. Link gives you a little bit more, including:

  • Round-Up Savings with a SELCO match. We’ll round up your debit card purchases to the next dollar and save the change in your linked savings account. Then when you meet Link’s monthly match requirements*, we’ll match your round-up savings dollar for dollar, up to $7 a month.
  • Free, confidential financial consultations with a certified counselor.
  • Free overdraft protection, with no fees for overdraft transfers, NSF incidents, or Courtesy Pay.
  • No ATM fees, even if you use an out-of-network ATM.

If you’re looking for a digitally-optimized alternative to a traditional checking account, take a closer look at Link. You can open an account, or switch an existing Select Checking to Link, by logging into digital banking and selecting “Open an Account,” or by contacting us by phone, chat, or in person. (While you’re at it, consider pairing Link with our Cultivate savings account to accelerate your savings. Cultivate offers exceptional rates from the first dollar you deposit, so it’s the perfect place to park your Round-Up Savings and SELCO match each month.)

Whether you’re a checkbook-and-register traditionalist, a digital-only transactor, or somewhere in between, you’ll find the account that’s just right at SELCO. Visit for our full lineup of checking accounts.

*Earn Link’s monthly round-up match by making 12 or more purchases with your SELCO debit or credit card and having automatic ACH deposits (such as payroll direct deposits) of $250 or more.

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