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What to Buy and What to Skip in April

Planning Your Future

April is smack dab in the middle of a season without a major shopping holiday.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t score some great deals. Besides, if you have a tax refund coming, you can feel good grabbing something you didn’t know you needed, at a bargain price.

What to Buy 

  • Mother’s Day gifts. It’s never too early to think about making Mom happy. Mother’s Day sales begin in April, and getting a jump on things while taking the time to put some thought into the gift can ease the pressure of finding something last-minute.

    Mother and daughter embracing

  • Gardening gear. As more people take their green thumbs outdoors, you might think early spring would be when gardening retailers raise their prices. Fortunately, that’s not the case. April is actually a great time to find deals on items like seeds, mulch, and gardening tools.

  • Secondhand treasures. Tis the season for spring cleaning, which means it’s time to hit the secondhand stores and yard sales for priceless preowned stuff. The best time to go to thrift stores is early in the week because most donations are dropped off over the weekend.
  • Auto parts and accessories. April is National Car Care Month, so auto parts stores and service centers will be running promotions. This is the time to pick up some new wipers, tires, or brakes, or get your car a tune-up.

What to Skip

  • Grills and patio furniture. The struggle is real. Shiny new grills and fancy patio furniture call your name every time you step foot in a big-box store. Even though the weather is getting nicer in April, you’ll want to resist the temptation and wait at least a month for the sales to land.
  • Refrigerators. If your fridge is still mostly doing its job, it’s best to wait to upgrade. Memorial Day is just a few weeks away, and this is the time when stores start rolling out their new models, meaning you can score last year’s model at a fantastic price.
  • Baby gear. Prices on products upgraded annually, including baby gear, tend to remain static until the new models make an appearance. For cribs, strollers, and car seats, the time to pounce is January or February, not April.
  • Vacuums. Fight the urge to buy a new vacuum for your spring cleaning. Not to sound like a broken record, but Black Friday is when you’ll find the best deals on vacuums. Hopefully, your vacuum’s motor, belt, and filter can hold on until November.

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