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2021 SELCO Scholarship recipients

Brad Alexander

Ridgeview High School Redmond, OR

Derek Anderson

Elmira High School Elmira, OR

Morgan Berg

Mountain View High School Bend, OR

Eliza Black

South Eugene High School Eugene, OR

Griffin Brand

South Eugene High School Eugene, OR

Catherine Codding

South Eugene High School Eugene, OR

Brooke Donner

West Albany High School Albany, OR

Lucas Forshee

Waldport High School Waldport, OR

Bryson Forsman

Elmira High School Elmira, OR

Scout Gesuale

Bend Senior High School Bend, OR

Holden Greenfield

Mountain View High School Bend, OR

Courtney Haffner

Elmira High School Elmira, OR

Megan Lawver

Baker Early Charter Eugene, OR

Adelaide Liebhardt

Winston Churchill High School Eugene, OR

William Nyman

Summit High School Bend, OR

Lucy Plahn

Lowell High School Fall Creek, OR

Baird Quinn

South Eugene High School Eugene, OR

Ethan Sloan

South Eugene High School Eugene, OR

Rattapat Thongthaengthai

Springfield High School Springfield, OR Richard Metzler Opportunity Scholarship Recipient

Tanner Windom

Thurston High School Springfield, OR