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SELCO Receives Latino Roots Award

Press Release

June 27, 2017—SELCO Community Credit Union Receives Inaugural University of Oregon Latino Roots Award for Its Community Sponsorship Work

SELCO has helped fund traveling exhibit that displays the rich history of Latinos and Latinas in Oregon

(EUGENE, Ore.) — SELCO Community Credit Union was recently honored with the inaugural University of Oregon Latino Roots Award. The Latino Roots Award was created to recognize the “support and commitment of Oregon’s Latino community” through the University of Oregon’s Latino Roots project.

A partnership project between UO’s Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies and School of Journalism and Communication, the Latino Roots project includes a course sequence at the University of Oregon, student-produced documentaries, and a traveling exhibit that explores the history of Latinos and Latinas in Oregon.

SELCO Community Credit Union has served as the Latino Roots Project’s community sponsor, helping to fund a traveling display which has been showcased at community events such as art walks, health fairs, celebrations, lectures, and more.

“It is truly an honor to be recognized by the Latino Roots Project, which has done amazing work by bringing attention to the rich history of Latinos and Latinas in Oregon,” said Laura Illig, vice president of marketing for SELCO Community Credit Union. “The project has been a valuable educational tool for institutions and communities throughout Oregon, and it has been an enriching experience for SELCO’s team to take part.”

The award was presented to Illig on behalf of SELCO earlier this month at the Latino Roots Celebration on the University of Oregon campus. Scott Coltrane, the University of Oregon’s senior vice president and provost, joined Illig for the award’s presentation. In addition to the Oregon Latino Roots Award, the event included the screenings of UO Latino Roots students’ ethnographic documentaries before an audience of students, faculty, staff, and community members.

For more information about SELCO Community Credit Union and its community involvement, please visit For more information about the Latino Roots Project, please visit

About SELCO Community Credit Union
Founded 80 years ago by a group of fiscally minded teachers, Eugene-based SELCO Community Credit Union today serves more than 120,000 members as the third largest Oregon-based credit union. A not-for-profit, federally insured, member-driven financial cooperative with more than $1.2 billion in assets, SELCO is able to provide its member-owners with exceptional rates and low fees on a full range of financial products and services including banking, mortgages, personal and business loans, investments, and insurance. Membership is available to anyone who lives or works in 26 Oregon counties. For more information or to become a member today, stop by one of SELCO’s 15 branches, call 800-445-4483, or visit

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